When a business fails to pay employment and unemployment taxes, the IRS or another taxing authority can assess a penalty against the people who are responsible for collecting the taxes at the company and paying the tax to the government. This penalty is called the Trust Fund Recovery Penalty, or TFRP.
If you are facing a dispute with the IRS or the state of Texas involving the failure of your employer, corporation or other business entity to pay employment and unemployment taxes, Coleman Jackson, P.C., can help. Our Texas trust fund recovery attorney is a Certified Public Accountant who has more than 30 years of experience helping businesses and individuals with tax problems like yours.
Companies are required to withhold state and federal taxes from their employees' paychecks. The withheld taxes are often called trust fund taxes because employers hold them in trust before paying them to the government. If the IRS, through an audit or other means, discovers that the business has not withheld or paid the taxes, the person or people responsible for paying them may be held personally liable. Similar trust fund penalties may apply at the state level with respect to a business collecting and paying sales taxes to the state.
Your business operations can be greatly disrupted if you are involved in an employment tax dispute with the government. Our lawyer provides experienced counsel and representation for taxpayers who get caught up in these tax disputes involving their employer, corporation or other business entity.
We can also assist you with tax disputes about whether a worker is an independent contractor or an employee. Classification of these workers is an important tax issue because whether a worker is classified as an employee or independent contractor determines who should pay federal income tax, social security tax, Medicare tax and other worker-related taxes.
If you are involved in a payroll tax dispute at your business or if you are facing an employment tax audit, call 214-599-0431 or contact us online. For Spanish call 214-599-0432.